Retired and Senior Volunteer Program
Texas Panhandle Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteers utilize their life experience and skills to answer the call of their neighbors in need. Volunteering is intended to promote goodness and to improve the quality of life for both the volunteer, as well as, for the person or community served. Volunteering allows seniors the opportunity to use their talents and experiences to enrich the lives of others in meaningful ways.
The local program, sponsored by Panhandle Community Services, began in July 1973 and initially served Potter and Randall counties. The program now serves 12 counties including Armstrong, Carson, Collingsworth, Deaf Smith, Donley, Gray, Hutchinson, Moore, Ochiltree, Potter, Randall, and Swisher.
Who Volunteers?
Anyone age 55 years and older can be a RSVP volunteer!
Benefits of Volunteering
All RSVP volunteers are covered by personal injury and liability insurance. Volunteers are also covered by excess automobile liability insurance which covers claims incurred in connection with program-related volunteer work.
RSVP Volunteers receive recognition for their service to their communities at annual recognition events.
Funding for the RSVP program comes from the Corporation for National and Community Service and is part of the AmeriCorps Senior program. Local contributions help RSVP to expand their programming.
RSVP can help current volunteers find a new, exciting position or help new volunteers find a great opportunity to serve. Make a difference become a volunteer today!
Apply as a volunteer using our online application, or call the RSVP office at 806-373-8389, or email

What is the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program?
The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) provides support to qualified agencies and organizations for the dual purpose of: engaging persons 55 and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs; and to provide a high quality experience that will enrich the lives of volunteers.
Who is eligible to be a RSVP volunteer?
To be an RSVP volunteer, an individual must:
Be 55 years of age or older;
Agree to serve without compensation;
Reside in or nearby the community served by RSVP.
Agree to abide by all requirements as set forth in this part.
Eligibility to serve as a RSVP volunteer shall not be restricted on the basis of formal education, experience, race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap or political affiliation.
We want to hear your story.
Heart of the High Plains: Remember to RSVP
RSVP volunteers spend their senior years impacting the community.