Family Development Program

Current research shows that to break the cycle of poverty and become self-sufficient, a family needs multiple services over a long period of time, supported by qualified staff that can act as teacher, mentor and advocate.
The Family Development Program is based on this research. It is a whole family based model. Family Development Specialists work with the family to bundle services that meet their needs. Families in the program identify their individual and family barriers and develop a clear plan of small attainable goals, which will lead to self-sufficiency over a five year period. This is not an emergency or short-term program, but a structured family planning process of multiple services designed to get the family out of poverty. Family members drive the process and meet individually and as a unit with a Family Development Specialist to work on their goals.
To be able to participate in the Family Development Program, the household income must be at or below 125 % of the current U.S. Poverty Guidelines and the family must agree to work up to five years toward becoming self-sufficient.
To Apply
Contact us at 806-342-6117 for an appointment.
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Hygiene Closet
Panhandle Community Services now has a Hygiene Closet at our branches in Dumas, Hereford, Memphis and Amarillo. The closet was made possible by a partnership with Superior HealthPlan and is open once a month in each location. See below for times for specific cities. Hygiene closet items may include items unavailable to purchase through SNAP benefits. These would include things like soap, shampoo, toilet paper, houshold cleaners and more. Participants may choose up to five items each month.