Our Impact
Volunteer Hours Served
Through RSVP
Public Trips on
Individuals Received
Utility Assistance
Dollars Given in
Housing Choice Vouchers
Impact data has been derived from 2023 results.
Our Services
Family Development Program

Provides families with the support and encouragement they need to achieve self-sufficiency.
Healthcare Navigation

We help families navigate the health insurance system to make sure their needs are met.
Housing Assistance

Housing Assistance provides safe, affordable and quality housing opportunities through the Housing Choice Voucher Program (formally the Section 8 Voucher Program).
Panhandle Transportation

Transit provides public transportation to people across the Texas Panhandle.
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program

Retired Seniors Volunteer Program gives area seniors the opportunity to use their talents and experiences to enrich the lives of others in meaningful ways.
Tax Preparation and ACE Education

Every year families and individuals who have earned the income tax credit do not apply with their annual taxes. We can help make sure those families do not miss out on the EITC.
Utility Assistance

Our Utility Assistance Program provides education on energy efficiency and provides funds to limit or stop disconnections in utility service.
Veterans Assistance

Updating the homes of Veterans and their surviving spouses in the top 26 counties of Texas.

Helps eligible families reduce energy consumption and cost by repairing or replacing heating and cooling units, insulating windows and doors, and executing other energy reduction measures.

Meet Our Executive Director
Magi York, CEO, is a Certified
Community Action Professional.
Ms. York has more than 35 years of experience leading organizations and developing the skills of nonprofit professionals. Her broad expertise in training, organizational assessment, intervention, and sustainable development is nationally recognized.