Tax Preparation and ACE Education

CLICK HERE to schedule an individual intake appointment.
Every year families and individuals who have earned income do not apply for the earned income tax credit on their annual taxes. We can help. Simple taxes for low to moderate-income are FREE and will begin January 24th, 2024.
EITC Reports and Statistics Nationwide as of December 2023, about 23 million eligible workers and families received about $57 billion in EITC. The average amount of EITC received nationwide in tax year 2022 was about $2,541.
Earned Income Tax Credits benefit the whole family and help guard against Adverse Childhood Experiences. Our program educates families and organizations about ACE's and how EITC's can help with financial stability which is a contributor to ACE risk factors. More information on Adverse Childhood Experiences is available by clicking HERE.
Required Documents for Tax Preparations
Documentos Requeridos Para la Preparación de Impuestos
To schedule a one-on-one consultation call: 806-240-9955
Tax preparations will take place at the Amarillo North Branch Library, 1500 NE 24th, Amarillo, and are FREE to participants.
Questions in Amarillo, Mandi Hughes (806) 342-6125 or email
In Dimmitt Teresa Fuentes (806) 647-3244

The basics of qualifying for the EITC are:
- you have earned income and adjusted gross income within certain limits (see chart below)
- must be a U.S. citizen or resident alien
- have a social security number
- and meet other basic rules
How to File for Your Earned Income Tax Credit
You must file a tax return even if your income is low enough that it is not required. You may also go back four years and request EITC for previous years you qualified but did not request. You may use MY FREE TAXES.COM to complete your tax return online.
Go to for answers and complete information, including a qualifier assistant app.
The federal HHS/OMH award - Community-Based Approaches to Strengthening Economic Supports for Working Families -
The federal HHS/OMH award - Community-Based Approaches to Strengthening Economic Supports for Working Families - represents 93.75% of total project costs. Panhandle Community Services is leveraging at least $30,000 in additional funds annually (7-10% of total project costs) to provide free tax preparation along with EITC outreach and ACE awareness.
"Adverse Childhood Experiences or ACE's are highly stressful and potentially traumatic events or situations that occur during childhood or adolescence. They can be a single event or prolonged threat to or breaches of the young persons safety, security, trust or bodily integrity." (Young Minds 2018) Adults can work towards counteracting ACE's they experienced as children and protect their children as well. Higher ACE scores are tied to negative health outcomes in the future. Take the ACE test below and help protect your health and the health of your children.
Click here for more information about understanding your ACE Score.
Help counteract ACEs for children by using some tools below:
- Nurture and protect as much as possible.
- Say, Sorry
- Give 20-Second hugs
- Help Kids Express Mad, Sad, & Hard Feelings
- Be There
- and Hunt for the Good
Help counteract ACE as an adult by using some tools below:
- Take care of your physical health by making regular doctor appointments
- Find mental health support by working with a counselor or finding a mentor
- Work towards lowering your stress levels
- Find time to do what brings you joy, create, listen to music...